Appreciate life, appreciate beauty!

New Year started 23 minutes ago. I decided to share with you one old post now. Hope that you will understand why.


For some of you December already started, for me November is winding down.

Anyway, this is the time of the year that is very good for meditation and appreciation.

Appreciation is the most important step to happiness.

Unfortunately, many people don’t appreciate life and their positions in it.

Very often it caused by the fact that their expectations were not realistic. Often it is because they never compared what they had with what other people had.

I also believe that only people who had great difficulties in life and suffered a lot can appreciate how wonderful life is.

Below are two beautiful photos. The first one reminds me that life might be calm at the moment and then a storm can come and change everything. The conclusion is simple: enjoy every minute and be ready for difficulties.

The second one just captures beauty. I also remember how wonderful it is in the…

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